Stolen Magic

by M. J. Putney

Del Rey

Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction / Fantasy

June 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0345476891

Available in: Hardcover

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Stolen Magic
by M. J. Putney

Heir to an ancient title, Simon Malmain, the Earl of Falconer, is well known among the Guardians, humans with magical powers derived from nature. Well known, but not always well loved . . . for those who enforce the law are rarely embraced by those whom they protect—and this is equally true whether the law is magical or mundane.

A routine mission to confront a rogue Guardian who has misused his powers turns disastrous when Simon's quarry, Lord Drayton, captures his pursuer in a transformation spell that can only be released by Drayton—or death. Aid arrives in the form of Meg, a fey young woman who first traps Simon, then frees him.

As they flee together, Simon recognizes that Meg is also a victim of Drayton's evil enchantments, and he restores her nature and innate magic. Though her memory is still clouded, she is freed at last from a shadowy world of fear and lost identity. She agrees to help Simon bring down Drayton.

The need for each other's magic binds them together—and releases the more ancient magic of passion. But desire cannot be satisfied until the rogue mage is stopped. For Drayton has a diabolical plan that will profoundly alter the course of Britain's future. Even the combined power of Simon and Meg may not be enough to stave off catastrophe. Only a desperate act of love may win back the future—or destroy all they hold dear.

M. J. Putney's Bio

I’ve written lots of romances as Mary Jo Putney. M. J. Putney is my YA alter ego, since I didn’t want the romances confused with my young adult paranormals. Hence, a name different enough to show these are a different kind of book, but similar enough that it’s clear who I am.

I grew up in the dairy farm country of Upstate New York, which has been really useful since I write historical novels set in more agricultural time periods. I was an obsessive reader, the sort who read books under the blankets with a flashlight. My mother said I’d ruin my eyes. She was right. <g>

When bored in classes, I would quietly daydream stories. My largest story was a multiple character saga with romance and adventure set in World War II.

Since high school wasn’t too exciting, I skipped a year and went off to college a year early. I left six years later with bachelor’s degrees in 18th Century British Literature and Industrial Design. (Most people who spend that long in college at least get a Master’s!)

I bought a one-way ticket to California and set off, design portfolio in hand. I’m not sure I’d recommend this to everyone, but it seemed perfectly logical at the time.

After several years of working in California, I headed off to England, where I lived in Oxford for a couple of years. It was great! The time I spent exploring the British Isles has since been invaluable for all my British set novels.

While in England, I worked as art editor for the New Internationalist magazine,. This was my first exposure to professional writers. I learned that most writers needed to be forced to the keyboard with whips and threats to get them to settle down and actually write. I regret to say that now that I am a professional writer myself, I’ve found this to be entirely true. <G>

On returning to the U.S., I mooched off my brother and his wife in Northern Virginia until I found a job near Baltimore. (Luckily, before they got tired of having me around.) I’ve lived in Maryland every since. I like the history, the beautiful scenery, and the four distinct seasons.

I’m fond of reading, cats, travel, and most of all, great stories. Dark Mirror is my first young adult novel, but not the last. The Dark Passage series is set in an alternative early 19th Century England world where aristocratic young people who have magical powers are sent to the infamous school at Lackland Abbey to be “cured” of their despised abilities.

The series is, in fact, sort of a multiple character saga with romance and adventure, part of which is set in World War II. <G> I love writing in this world, so who knows? There may be lots more stories ahead!