When I Fall in Love

by Lynn Kurland


Paranormal Romance: Time Travel

April 24, 2007

ISBN-13: 0515142964

Available in: Paperback

When I Fall in Love
by Lynn Kurland

Nicholas de Piaget is finished with demoiselles more interested in his riches than his heart. He is certain he'll spend the rest of his life in his leaky castle, watching others enjoy wedded bliss, until he stumbles upon a flame-haired maiden in distress. His honor demands that he help her return home—if only his heart would allow it.

Jennifer McKinnon is convinced that there are no more knights in shining armor—at least not in Manhattan. Then a chance trip to England leaves her wondering if a happily ever after might be in her future. Little does she know that a hero of legendary chivalry awaits her. . . eight hundred years in the past.

But desires of the heart and dangerous secrets threaten to tear them apart, and only time will tell if true love can lead them to a fairy-tale ending. . .

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Lynn Kurland's Bio

Lynn Kurland is the national bestselling author of seven novels and four novellas. A full-time writer, she lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. People often ask me why I choose to write romance. As I look back over my own tastes in reading, I've come to realize that no matter what I read while growing up, there was never enough love story in it for me! I've read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy 14 times and every single time I find myself looking for more pages to find out exactly what happened to Aragorn and Arwen. I wanted details! So after years of reading fantasy, science fiction and mystery, I picked up my first romance in college. I was hooked. Finally, a story where the love story had center stage! I made my own tentative attempts and after a few creations fit only for the recycle bin, my first ghost story, Stardust of Yesterday, came to be. While I have a captive audience, let me thank those of you who have been so supportive of my work. It's because of you, your letters and emails, and your willingness to shell out your hard-earned money for my books that I'm able to do something I love to do-and do it the way I want to. My publisher has given me enormous freedom in what and how I write, but that has only come because kind readers such as you who have continued to support my work. I love to write. I love everything about it. (Well, all right, I'm not really wild about reviews now and then, but if you can't take the heat . . .) I love having the chance to bring some of my favorite characters to life.

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