Is It Written in the Stars?

by Linda Wisdom


Sensual: Contemporary

June 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 1932866132

Available in: e-Book (reprint)

Is It Written in the Stars?
by Linda Wisdom

Two co-workers who exist perfectly well enough as friends decide to risk it all when they explore the sensual side of their relationship. Will they ruin everthing or will it be true love?

Other Books by Linda Wisdom

Linda Wisdom's Bio

Maybe it was because I was an only child that my imagination always seemed to be at work. That way you always have someone to play with. Writing stories was something I always enjoyed doing. It was a way to create people I'd like to know as friends. Hopefully, my readers will enjoy them just as much.

Silhouette Romance bought my first two novels in 1979 on my wedding anniversary. Ironically, selling the books caused me to be fired. It was a question whether to try writing full time or not. Writing full time won out.

My husband, Bob, doesn't mind people asking him what it's like to be married to a romance writer. He usually tells them it isn't boring! We have two dogs, Bogie, a terrier/Chihuahua who's my spoiled rotten puppy and believes it's his duty to stay close to me while I work. Fergie, a St. Bernard/Lab who's confident the world revolves around her, four parrots and Florence, a tortoise with major attitude who we've had since she was a baby. Most of them have been featured in one or more books. We're lucky enough to live in a part of Southern California where we can go to the beach or the mountains depending on our mood.

It's pretty much a known fact that fellow author, Mary Anne Wilson and I can be found at the movies on Fridays. Have to do our research. Reading is always a great way to relax. I like to collect Pocket Dragon figurines and stuffed animals. It's also fun anytime I can get together with close friends who are also authors. And we're not always talking about writing either!