Soul Protector

Order of the Mist

by Lil Gibson

Venus Press

Sensual: Futuristic, Paranormal Romance: Futuristic, Paranormal Romance: Science Fiction

January 15, 2005

ISBN-13: 1598360213

Available in: e-Book

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Soul Protector
by Lil Gibson

Elicean of Sumer came from the darkness of Middle Earth while Sarkinda basked on the sun-kissed surface. He rescued her from gluttonous fanatics sent to destroy the last vestiges of the cliff dwellers.and brought her to his home.

From different worlds and hidden backgrounds, he fought his own people to protect her-resurrecting the Order of the Mist. But would his actions save her or place her in even graver danger?

Surrounded by the demons that moments ago had devoured her family, Sarkinda believed that the mist suddenly enfolding her to be a dying vision. When she awoke to the scrutiny of a half- human giant with iridescent copper eyes-well-she didn't know what to believe. For though she feared the enigmatic stranger, she also recognized him from her visions-as the guardian of her heart.and Soul Protector.