Murder in the Queen's Wardrobe

An Elizabethan Spy Thriller / A Mistress Jaffrey Mystery

by Kathy Lynn Emerson

Severn House

Literature and Fiction: Historical Fiction

March 1, 2015

ISBN-10: 072788459X

ISBN-13: 9780727884596

Available in: Hardcover

Murder in the Queen's Wardrobe
by Kathy Lynn Emerson

A female spymaster will face mortal danger to protect her husband and her queen. . .

London, 1582: Mistress Rosamond Jaffrey, a talented and well-educated woman of independent means, is recruited by Queen Elizabeth I’s spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham, to be lady-in-waiting to Lady Mary, a cousin of the queen. With her talent in languages and knowledge of ciphers and codes, she will be integral to the spymaster as an intelligence gatherer, being able to get close to Lady Mary just at the time when she is being courted by Russia’s Ivan the Terrible. However, there are some nobles at court who will do anything they can to thwart such an alliance; and Rosamond soon realises the extent of the danger, when a prominent official is murdered and then an attempt is made on both her and Lady Mary’s lives. In her quest to protect her ward — and her estranged husband — Rosamond must put herself in mortal peril.

Kathy Lynn Emerson's Bio

Kathy Lynn Emerson writes two historical mystery series and one contemporary mystery series and occasionally ventures into non fiction. In the Face Down series, featuring Susanna, Lady Appleton, sixteenth century gentlewoman, herbalist, and sleuth, the most recent entry is FACE DOWN O'ER THE BORDER. The Diana Spaulding 1888 Mysteries feature a late nineteenth century American journalist. NO MORTAL REASON (April, 2007) follows DEADLIER THAN THE PEN (set in Maine) and FATAL AS A FALLEN WOMAN. As Kaitlyn Dunnett she pens the contemporary Liss MacCrimmon Mysteries (KILT DEAD) which take place in the fictional Maine town of Moosetookalook. Kathy lives in Wilton, Maine with her husband and assorted cats and has just completed work on HOW TO WRITE KILLER HISTORICAL MYSTERIES: THE ART AND ADVENTURE OF SLEUTHING THROUGH THE PAST (April 2008).

Want to know more?

The first thing I remember writing as a child was a newspaper for my dolls. The second was a long, rambling adventure series featuring characters from all my favorite television shows. The crew of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger got along just fine with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, and with Perry Mason. They all lived in a castle, which looked a lot like my grandfather's house, and the kingdom was ruled by Queen Kathy (ten-year-old writers have no modesty) and King Mel. Mel? No, not Mel Gibson. Way back then Mel Torme had a weekly variety show!

With all those characters mixing together in my head, it's no wonder I've never been able to stick to just one kind of writing. I've been writing historical mysteries since 1997 but before that I wrote biography, history (The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England), contemporary, historical, and time-travel romance, and children's fiction and nonfiction. Most recently, I've started a contemporary mystery series writing under the name Kaitlyn Dunnett. The Liss MacCrimmon series begins with Kilt Dead and will continue for at least three books. This series is a lot of fun for me to write because it is set in a fictional version of my own back yard. I've invented an extra county and located it between Franklin County, where I live, and Oxford County. What's next? Probably something completely different written under yet another new name. Watch this website for the latest news.

Although I now live and write in rural Western Maine, I grew up in rural New York State. I came to Maine to attend college more than forty years ago and met my future husband the first week.

We've shared our home with a variety of pets over the years. At present we have three. Bala and Nefret are littermates, found under the floor in our barn back in 2001.

As of November 2007, they've acquired a new housemate, Feral. Feral was, well, a feral cat until Thanksgiving of 1998 when he decided to join the Emerson family for dinner. When Kathy's father-in-law moved into his daughter's house, Feral changed abodes too.

At first he wasn't sure he liked the new digs, or sharing them with two other cats, but he's getting used to the idea.