Cowboy Boss

Desire #1457

by Kathie DeNosky


Contemporary Romance: Category Romance

August 15, 2002

ISBN-13: 037376457X

Available in: Paperback

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Cowboy Boss
by Kathie DeNosky


Gentle-hearted Faith Broderick had come to the Triple Bar Ranch to start a new life, not to get involved in a matchmaking scheme intended to get Cooper Adams to cast off his bachelor coat-of-arms. But suddenly stranded with the seductive cowboy, Faith yearned for the domestic dreams she'd put aside. Soon neither could hide the passion that raged between them.

Cooper wasn't planning on heading to the hitchin' post. Yet, with her warmth, lovely Faith filled his home and the lonely corners of his heart. Cooper knew he'd better watch his step—because promoting Faith from employee to wife would be far too easy to do...

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Kathie DeNosky's Bio

KATHIE DeNOSKY! She was young, she had a dream no one knew about; she went to college only 6 weeks before dropping out; she married, worked part-time, raised three children. But the dream didn't die, wouldn't die. So she decided to do something about it. She got a computer, sat down in front of it and began to write. She sold her first book to Silhouette Desire in 1999. Now, a few years later, she is a best-selling author that writes about everyday people who like a little spice in their lives. Her characters are full of life, easy to identify with, and tempered with a little humor. Visit for information on Kathie's upcoming releases, contests and more.