Scone Cold Dead

A Liss MacCrimmon Mystery #2

by Kaitlyn Dunnett

Kensington Publishing


August 4, 2009

ISBN-10: 0758216467

ISBN-13: 9780758216465

Available in: Paperback

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Scone Cold Dead
by Kaitlyn Dunnett

After a knee injury forces professional Scottish dancer, Liss MacCrimmon to give up her life of performing strathspreys, reels, jigs and Highland flings she returns to her hometown of Moosetookalook, Maine, where she runs a Scottish Emporium. With one solved murder case under her dance belt, Liss has no idea she's about to spiral into another...

Switching to life without footlights or greasepaint has been easier than Liss MacCrimmon expected. After seven months in her hometown of Moosetookalook Maine, she's been able to keep her feet in the dance world by offering lessons to a few of the local children. Running the town's Scottish Emporium with her aunt, working on her physical therapy for her knee injury, and starting a budding romance with Dan Ruskin, a neighbor and former high school classmate, has kept her more than busy.

Still, she misses the life of a professional dancer with Strathspey, the Scottish dance company she belonged to before her knee injury forced her into early retirement. When the company goes on tour, Liss is instrumental in bringing the show to her hometown. Overjoyed at the prospect of seeing her old friends again, even if she can't dance with them, Liss arranges a reception for the troupe complete with a Scottish theme that includes a new spin on the classic Scottish Scone, her very own recipe for "cocktail scones."

Liss soon realizes that life in the group isn't all happy jigs and fancy stepping. Victor Owens, the company manager, has been making life miserable for every member of the company. She has no idea how miserable until Victor bites into one of Liss's prized cocktail scones, collapses and dies.

When the police set their sights on Liss and her best friends, it's up to Liss to find out whodunit before the killer makes an encore. With a missing ingénue, potential embezzlement, several secret romantic relationships, and a murderer in the mix, she'll have to work fast to uncover what is really going on backstage when the curtain falls on Strathspey.

Kaitlyn Dunnett's Bio

Kaitlyn Dunnett is the pseudonym I chose to use on my contemporary mysteries because I am better known under my own name for historical mysteries, nonfiction, and historical romances (Kathy Lynn Emerson). I am hoping to reduce rather than increase confusion by using a different name for this series, but the jury is still out on whether it is a good idea or not.

I used a pseudonym once before, for three contemporary category romances I wrote for Silhouette. That name was Kaitlyn (the name I'd have given myself rather than Kathy Lynn) Gorton (my maiden name). I didn't want to use the same pseudonym again, since these new books are mysteries, not romances, so I kept the Kaitlyn and borrowed the surname of one of my favorite authors, Dorothy Dunnett.

I live in Maine with my husband and assorted cats and although I am not currently involved in things Scottish, I have been in the past.