The Pattern of Her Heart

by Judith Miller, Tracie Peterson

Bethany House

Literature and Fiction: Historical Fiction

September 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 076422896X

Available in: Paperback

The Pattern of Her Heart
by Judith Miller, Tracie Peterson

Lights of Lowell Book 3- When tragedy strikes, Jasmine Houston must uproot her family from the Northern mill town of Lowell and take over her family's Southern plantation, The Willows. But upon her arrival, her anti-slavery positions cause strife between Jasmine and her neighbors and relatives. Tensions continue to rise until an explosive act—the burning of The Willows—causes Jasmine and Nolan to flee north. But the lives of the slaves they've promised to protect hang in the balance.

Judith Miller's Bio

Red Ryder Comics taught me to read at the age of four, and I have been fascinated with books ever since. I have been a wife, a mother, a painter, a sculptor, a secretary, and that is only the top of the list. I didn't try to learn to write until later in life, and had no idea that it would be one of the most difficult and rewarding things I would ever try to learn to do.

And I'm still happily trying.