Scent of a Woman


by Jo Leigh


Sensual: Category Romance, Contemporary Romance: Category Romance

January 1, 2002

ISBN-13: 0373790279

Available in: Paperback

Scent of a Woman
by Jo Leigh

Her scent intrigued him... Arousing. Exciting. Those words and more fit the woman David Levinson met purely by chance at the scarf counter. Susan was sunshine, flowers, silkiness and sex... and David ached to have her. And so did her proposition... Heiress Susan Carrington was tired of being the good girl, playing it safe, protecting her heart. She craved adventure - with no strings. "Meet me on Wednesday night," she whispered in David's ear, shocked at her boldness. It was an incredibly hot encounter. Arousing. Exciting. As was every Wednesday they met after that... Except soon DAvid wanted Susan seven days a week - with strings attached.

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Jo Leigh's Bio

Jo lives in Sin City (how appropriate!) with the love of her life and three enormous, spoiled cats. Her current obsession is catching up on all seven seasons of Buffy.