Buffy and the Carrot

by Jennifer Probst

Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC

Young Adult, Children's Books

November 30, 2010

Available in: Trade Size

Buffy and the Carrot
by Jennifer Probst

Buffy the rabbit loves playing with his friends at the farm, but Buffy is still a lonely rabbit. He wants someone special to share his life. One day, Buffy finds a very special carrot and knows it is true love! He names his carrot, Julianna. The other bunnies make fun and won’t play with him anymore. Buffy doesn’t care; he only needs Julianna to make him happy. One day, a storm ravages the farm and damages all the food. Buffy looks for food at his friends’ house, but they won’t let him in since he’s still with Julianna. Buffy grows hungrier and hungrier. Whatever will he do? He looks at his one true love and makes a decision. Buffy and the Carrot will become a favorite in your family library.

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Jennifer Probst's Bio

I've always wanted to be a writer. At twelve, I took a pen in hand and wrote my first love story. I haven't stopped since. Those heroines taught me valuable lessons that served me well. I learned to keep my head up high and surge forward when I was afraid; I learned to demand respect in a relationship; I learned about compromise and dreams and independence. Those are the stories I want to write, and I can only hope I give back some of the joy I received over the years. I live in the beautiful Hudson Valley in upstate New York. I've traveled to many places but always seem to be drawn back to the mountains. I graduated with a proper business degree, received a masters in English Literature, and am humbled to now spend my days dedicated to my family and my characters. I've pursued many career paths such as travel agent, yoga teacher, dating coordinator, and insurance salesperson. I've wanted to be an airline pilot, a dancer, an archaeologist, and a vineyard owner. I have been all of the above through romance novels, and intend to explore many more. One of my turning points in my career was when I joined Romance Writers of America and met the wonderful people in my local chapter, The Hudson Valley RWA. Through supportive critique sessions, I learned how to develop my raw skills to get a publishable manuscript. My overnight success was twenty years in the making, and I don't regret a minute. It was that time polishing craft, learning, growing, and working hard that made the difference. My "leisure time" is spent reading, traveling to meet my amazing readers, watching shameful reality television, and raising two active boys. I believe animals are the other children in this world, and enjoy spending time at the local animal shelter, where I got my first "baby" Bella, a shepherd hound mix who made Marley look like a saint. I rescued my second dog from an abusive home, a beagle, basset hound who was the peacemaker in the household and now resides at Rainbow Bridge, missed every day. I met the love of my life when I had finally given up on my own romantic journey. The first time he asked me out he promised to buy my book if he could buy me dinner. We had dinner and fell in love over sushi and haven't been apart since. We married and settled into domestic bliss. That's when I learned it wasn't about happy endings. It was about happy beginnings.