
by Jaid Black

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Erotica, Sensual: Fantasy

September 15, 2002

ISBN-13: 1843601885

Available in: e-Book

by Jaid Black

There is only one person on earth who ever mattered to Geris Jackson and that one person is her best friend Kyra Summers. When Kyra is kidnapped, Geris fears nobody will believe her tale about the giants with the glowing blue eyes who snatched her best friend away, so she sets out to find Kyra herself. Suffering disappointment after disappointment, Geris begins to give up hope. She gets the surprise of a lifetime when, one rainy night, one of the giants who stole her best friend hunts her down and claims her for his own.

SEIZED is actually installment 1.5 in the series and covers the Trek Mi Q'an time frame that runs concurrent with THE EMPRESS' NEW CLOTHES and finishes up before Rem goes nee'ka hunting in NO MERCY. Sexual Content: Rated NC-17, Genre: Futuristic/Time Travel

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Jaid Black's Bio

Jaid Black is an author of numerous erotic romance tales. Her steamy debut novel with Berkley/Jove, One Dark Night, is scheduled to hit bookstore shelves in April 2004. Readers can reach Jaid through her website at