Billionaire Undaunted ~ Zane

Billionaire's Obsession Book 9

by J. S. Scott

Golden Unicorn Enterprises Inc.

Contemporary Romance

June 7, 2016

Available in: Audio, e-Book, Trade Size

Billionaire Undaunted ~ Zane
by J. S. Scott

My name is Ellie Winters, and I’m one of those unfortunate women you hear about on the news—but you never think my fate will ever happen to you.

Not that I blame you for believing that. Honestly, I thought the same thing, until I became a statistic, a missing person who was assumed dead. Wrong place, wrong time. Except … I’m not dead. Not yet. I was kidnapped, shackled, beaten, and deprived of the basic necessities, and pretty much left to find a slow, painful demise. I’m hanging on, but just barely. I’m not even sure what I’m waiting for since there’s no hope for me, nobody waiting for me. I had finally given up, resigned myself to my inevitable death…when the one man who could make me want to live again finds me more dead than alive. After so many months in captivity, I’m lost, hopelessly damaged. Is it even possible for me to come out of the darkness and into the light again?

Zane Colter challenges me to live again, laugh again, live my life again. But I’m not sure if I’ll ever be the same woman I was before I was held captive by a madman. Yet, he doesn’t give up, and I couldn’t ignore the white-hot passion that sizzled between the two of us.

He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I’ve always needed.

Tender—but stubborn.

Logical—but understanding.

Sweet—but hot, demanding and possessive.

As we fall into each other, both hungry for a passion we’ve never known, I wonder if I can be what Zane needs when I’m struggling to find myself again. And when I’m finally healed, I’ll have a choice to make: Do I try to hang onto him forever, or will letting go be my only option?…

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J. S. Scott's Bio

J.S. “Jan” Scott is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling romance author. She’s an avid reader of all types of books and literature, but romance has always been her genre of choice. Writing what she loves to read, Jan pens both contemporary and paranormal romances. They are almost always steamy, generally feature an alpha male, and include a happily ever after—she just can’t seem to write them any other way! Jan lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two very spoiled German shepherds, and she loves to connect with readers.