Miscarriage: Why it Happens and How Best to Reduce Your Risk

by Henry G. Lerner, M. D.



March 4, 2003

ISBN-13: 0738206342

Available in: Paperback

Miscarriage: Why it Happens and How Best to Reduce Your Risk
by Henry G. Lerner, M. D.

Whether it happens in the first trimester or later on in pregnancy, a miscarriage is an emotionally traumatic event. It may also be a physically daunting experience, resulting in the need for surgical intervention. In the aftermath of a miscarriage there are almost always unanswered questions: Why did it happen? Did I do anything to cause my miscarriage? Will I have a miscarriage the next time I get pregnant? Most important of all, You will want to know, "What can I do to best prevent miscarrying again?" This compassionate and authoritative guide fills the information void. From the causes of miscarriage -- chromosomal, illness-related, immunologic -- to the diagnostic tests and surgical procedures now available to help prevent you from miscarrying again, Dr. Henry Lerner has compiled the most current medical information on why miscarriages do and don't happen, and explains the best methods for recovering and preparing to conceive again. He also includes reassuring and practical advice from an expert in women's reproductive psychology on coping with the disappointment and depression that often accompany the loss of your pregnancy, and the anxiety that may come with your next positive pregnancy test.