Yours Always

by Gabriella Anderson

Zebra Books

Historical Romance

February 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0821774468

Available in: Paperback

Yours Always
by Gabriella Anderson

The news of Lady Anthea Fortesque's betrothal to Squire William Hobblesby is the talk of the town: why would a young woman blessed with both beauty and intelligence promise herself to a pompous old bore? Colin Savernake, a private investigator to the ton, has reasons of his own for finding out why. All of London knows that her father, a most improvident earl, left Anthea penniless after his untimely death. But the lovely lady may be hiding something else. Colin has received a letter promising a rich bequest if he can solve another mystery. Is it possible that Anthea is a master thief?

Anthea is too busy worrying about her mother and four younger sisters to take Colin's accusations seriously. But his presence at Heatherstone Grange is driving Anthea to distraction. His charm is enough to make her blush, and his constant attention is weakening her will. He has even offered to become her confidant...

Can Colin ignore logic and trust his heart?

Other Books by Gabriella Anderson

Gabriella Anderson's Bio

Gabriella Anderson makes her home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her husband, three daughters, two dogs, and assorted fish. When she's not writing romance, she volunteers at her daughters' school library, plays volleyball, and tries to avoid cooking and housekeeping. Fluent in English, Hungarian, and German, as well as knowing Latin, Gabriella loves the way language works, especially when she can use it to put a story on paper. THE DESTINY COIN series from Zebra Ballad started with the publication of A MATTER OF CONVENIENCE, (ISBN 0-8217-6682-1), September 2000, Gabriella's first book. It is followed in January 2001 by A MATTER OF PRIDE (ISBN 0-8217-6765-8) and in March 2001 by A MATTER OF HONOR (ISBN 0-8217-6765-5).