Murder and Salutations

A Card-Making Mystery

by Elizabeth Bright



December 5, 2006

ISBN-13: 0451220005

Available in: Paperback

Murder and Salutations
by Elizabeth Bright

Jennifer Shane is stunned when she's named Businessperson of the Year, but she's even more shocked when, at the presentation ceremony, Chamber of Commerce President Eliza Glade, over-dressed, over-made-up, and over-the-top, is killed. Jen and her sister Sara Lynn were among her worst enemies, so they'll have to bend over backwards to clear their names. And an easy resolution is not in the cards.

Elizabeth Bright's Bio

Elizabeth Bright is a writer, lawyer, and mother living in Washington, D.C. Her debut historical romance, Twice As Wicked, was published October 2017 with Entangled Publishing. Stay tuned for more of the Wicked Secrets Series! Elizabeth loves large dogs and large coffees. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast, and when she's not writing, lawyering, or mothering, she can be found as high in the mountains as she can get. She firmly believes that love is the greatest adventure of all, but rock climbing is a close second.