Murder Passes the Buck

A Gertie Johnson Backwoods Adventure, Volume 1

by Deb Baker



August 23, 2009

ISBN-10: 1448635403

ISBN-13: 9781448635405

Available in: Trade Size (reprint)

Murder Passes the Buck
by Deb Baker

When her neighbor Chester Lampi is shot and killed in his hunting blind, sixty-six-year-old widow Gertie Johnson seizes the opportunity to become a detective. Gertie is abetted (and hindered) in her investigation by her grandson Little Donny, man-hungry best friend Cora Mae, and volunteer bodyguard Kitty. It doesn’t help that Chester’s death has been ruled an accident by the sheriff of this backwoods community in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Or that Sheriff Blaze Johnson happens to be Gertie’s son. Whether it’s interrogating neighbors, spying, or impersonating the FBI—not to mention staying one step ahead of Blaze—Gertie will do whatever it takes to solve the case, even when the killer takes aim at her.

Deb Baker's Bio

Deb Baker (McGarity) was born in Escanaba, MI in 1953. Her family moved to Wisconsin in the 60s, but they kept strong ties to the Michigan Upper Peninsula. As a chronic late bloomer, Deb graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in English at the age of 45. Her first novel, Murder Passes the Buck, earned her The Authorlink International First Novelist Award where she took the mystery category, then went on to win Best of Show. The stories are set in her beloved Michigan backwoods and feature the unstoppable, unflappable Gertie Johnson. Others in the series include Murder Grins and Bears It and Murder Talks Turkey. Deb also writes a second series called the Dolls To Die For Series with doll restoration artist, Gretchen Birch. Titles are Dolled Up For Murder, Goodbye Dolly, Dolly Departed, and Ding Dong Dead.

Deb is Vice President of the Wisconsin chapter of Sisters In Crime and is active with Mystery Writers of America.

To contact Deb, click here.