Her Last Chance

#1628 - Soul Mates

by DeAnna Talcott

Silhouette (Romance)

Contemporary Romance: Category Romance, Paranormal Romance: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

November 1, 2002

ISBN-13: 0373196288

Available in: Paperback

Series Theme Page

Her Last Chance
by DeAnna Talcott

Mallory Chevalle came to Wyoming seeking a mythical horse — and found a tough, honorable cowboy who stirred her sleeping senses to life. The virginal heiress had assumed it was her fate to be alone forever, until Chase Wells — with his special horse, Peggy Sue — two-stepped into her heart. Mallory was convinced that destiny had played a hand in leading her to this remote place — and into Chase's strong, soothing arms. But getting the stubborn rancher to believe their cosmic connection wouldn't be so easy. Legend had it, Peggy Sue could only be tamed by a chaste maiden — could the same be true about her owner?