Memories to Come

by Cricket Starr

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Erotica, Paranormal Romance

September 29, 2004

ISBN-13: 1843609797

Available in: e-Book

Memories to Come
by Cricket Starr

An honorable warrior who never took advantage of those less fortunate, Remak once had a chance to be something other than a soldier. He met a woman and for a brief time held her in his arms, but he didn't stay in her village or return to her when he could. Now chained and abandoned in an enemy cell, he regrets there will be no one to mourn him when he dies. But the goddess Gillan hasn't given up on Remak. After all, she put that woman where he would find her and she isn't pleased he threw away his chance at happiness. Through a series of sexually charged visions she moves him through time and shows him how good life as one of her people can be. A man without hope and love, Remak must to learn her lessons before it is too late for him—the greatest lesson being that goddesses work in mysterious ways!

Cricket Starr's Bio

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