Midnight Reign

Vampire Babylon, Book 2

by Chris Marie Green

Ace Books

Science Fiction / Fantasy

February 5, 2007

ISBN-13: 0441015603

Available in: Trade Size

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Midnight Reign
by Chris Marie Green

Night Rising was only the beginning...

Dawn Madison reluctantly came to Los Angeles in search of her missing father and found instead a world of murder and the living dead she never imagined existed. When a new vampire slaying lures Dawn deeper into the underground, her alliances in the sunlit world shift. Now she has only herself to trust and her newfound skills as "a spunky vampire slayer" (Publishers Weekly).

Chris Marie Green's Bio

Chris Marie Green, former school teacher turned full-time writer, gets out of the office by taking long trips to places such as Japan, Italy, and New Orleans. When she's not causing international incidents, she enjoys yoga, movie-going and dabbling in firsthand research such as fencing, Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She also writes under the name Crystal Green.