Tomb With a View

A Pepper Martin Mystery #6

by Casey Daniels

Berkley Prime Crime


July 6, 2010

ISBN-10: 0425235513

ISBN-13: 9780425235515

Available in: Paperback

Tomb With a View
by Casey Daniels

Cemeteries come alive for amateur sleuth/reluctant medium Pepper Martin.

Cleveland’s Garden View Cemetery is hosting a James A. Garfield commemoration. For tour guide and reluctant medium Pepper Martin this means that she’ll surely be hearing from the dead president himself. And when she’s assigned to help plan the event with know-it-all volunteer and Garfield fanatic Marjorie Klinker, she’ll wish Marjorie were dead...too bad someone beats Pepper to it.

Casey Daniels' Bio

A couple years ago I applied for a part-time job as a tour guide at a historic cemetery not far from where I live. Why? Well, aside from the fact that the job would force me to step away from my computer and remind me that there was a life beyond writing (even in a place where just about everybody was dead), I love cemeteries.

No, really. I mean it. I really love cemeteries.

Think about it. A cemetery—I mean a really good old cemetery, not these new "memorial parks" where every headstone is flat to the ground and every one of them looks the same—is really a museum without walls. Take a peek into any cemetery that's more than sixty or so years old and you're bound to see interesting architecture, sculpture and art. There are stories, too, everywhere you look. One memorial can give you a glimpse into generations of a family's history. Another might suggest tragedy. Still others speak of undying love and precious memories.

Is it any wonder that a writer's imagination is bound to take flight in a cemetery? That's exactly what happened to me. I didn't get the job, by the way, but as I drove home from the interview, I did get the idea for Pepper Martin, a cemetery tour guide whose enthusiasm for cemeteries does not rival my own. After all, what could be more perfect that an amateur sleuth surrounded by dead people? And if she just so happened to be able and see and talk to some of them, all the better!

I learned to love mysteries early thanks to my dad, a Cleveland Police detective who enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes stories and spent his days off searching for stolen cars. Often on those trips, I was in the back seat and to this day, I have Dad to thank for my knowledge of some less-than-savory parts of the city. Later, I read my way through every mystery story I could get my hands on. Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle are still among my favorites.

I have a degree in English, experience as a journalist and writing teacher, and lots of ideas for more Pepper Martin mysteries. When I'm not writing, I'm usually with my family and our two dogs, Ernie, an adorable Airedale pup, and Oscar, a rescued Jack Russell who spends far too much time watching TV. I enjoy knitting, gardening and of course, stomping through cemeteries in search of history, stories and inspiration.