Beyond Cool

by Bev Katz Rosenbaum

Berkley Pub Group (Jam)

Young Adult: Contemporary

August 7, 2007

ISBN-13: 0425215636

Available in: Trade Size

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Beyond Cool
by Bev Katz Rosenbaum

The next in the hot series about a girl whose life is really on the rocks.

Apparently being frozen for ten years hasn't made me any cooler...

Floe Ryan was frozen at sixteen because of a rare disease. Now she's been thawed back to her normal self—but everything else has changed: her little sister's older than her, her teachers are holograms, and she's learning to drive a hovercar. Plus, with her boyfriend acting distant and having to deal with all the cliques, high school is becoming an even colder place. She's also learned that those who were frozen are susceptible to illnesses, and the one doctor who can cure them has gone AWOL. Floe must find him. But she's learning that someone might be hunting for her too—and she could be iced for good this time.

Bev Katz Rosenbaum's Bio

Bev Katz Rosenbaum, a former fiction and magazine editor, lives in Toronto with her husband and two children. She hopes to spend the rest of her life channeling her inner sixteen year-old and writing teen novels.