
Open Skies Book 2

by Becca Jameson

Becca Jameson Publishing

Contemporary Romance

December 15, 2020

by Becca Jameson

A harmless blind date with a buff Alpha formerly with Delta Force.
But then he kissed her, and rocked her foundation.
A week later when her apartment lease falls through, she’s in his home. In his life.
But she’s not the only woman who has her eye on him, and her competition doesn’t play fair.
Plus, the man throws mixed signals every time she’s in his arms.
No matter how hard she’s fallen for him, she’s not sure she can tolerate much more.
Meanwhile, her airline has put all flight attendants on alert for human trafficking.
When a suspicious group of teen girls catches Christa’s attention, she must act fast.
The last thing she expects is to end up as a hostage in a tense situation.

He agreed to take her out because she was smoking hot.
He hadn’t meant to fall for her.
She’s far too innocent for someone like him. The very definition of vanilla.
It takes every ounce of restraint to keep himself from taking things too fast.
How long can he deny his Alpha tendencies? What if he tamps them down and never tells her?
When it all blows up in his face, he’s not sure she will ever speak to him again.
Before he has a chance to beg her forgiveness, she falls hostage to a madman on her flight.
Rescuing her is his first priority.
Convincing her to give him another chance is second on the list.

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Becca Jameson's Bio

Becca Jameson is a USA Today bestselling author of over 70 books. She is most well-known for her Wolf Masters series and her Fight Club series. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband, two grown kids, and the various pets that wander through. She is loving this journey and has dabbled in a variety of genres, including paranormal, sports romance, military, and BDSM. A total night owl, Becca writes late at night, sequestering herself in her office with a glass of red wine and a bar of dark chocolate, her fingers flying across the keyboard as her characters weave their own stories. During the day---which never starts before ten in the morning!---she can be found jogging, floating in the pool, or reading in her favorite hammock chair! ...where Alphas dominate...