Project DEEP Box Set: Volume Two

Project DEEP Book 5-7

by Becca Jameson

Becca Jameson Publishing

Paranormal Romance: Science Fiction, Paranormal Romance: Box Set

June 7, 2019

Available in: e-Book

Project DEEP Box Set: Volume Two
by Becca Jameson

Don’t be fooled by this new genre I’ve embarked on! I’m still Becca Jameson. You can still expect steaming hot tension and panty-melting sex!

Project DEEP (Disease & Epidemic Eradication & Prevention) is a steamy military/government series that takes place in a government bunker in Colorado where the world’s most renowned scientists work to cure and prevent diseases. Unfortunately, ten years ago an accident in the bunker infected all twenty-one medical professionals with a rare form of fatal anemia. They were unable to find a cure in time, so they were cryonically preserved in the bunker. Follow the lives of several of these men and women as they are reanimated a decade later and go on to find love and happiness.

Reviving Graham (Project DEEP, Book 5)
(originally published December 2018 in eBook and trade paperback)

After a decade of cryonic preservation, he brings her back to life. Now he must protect her against an unknown enemy.

Reviving Biana (Project DEEP, Book 6)
(originally published January 2019 in eBook and trade paperback)

Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP, Book 7)
(originally published March 2019 in eBook and trade paperback)

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Becca Jameson's Bio

Becca Jameson is a USA Today bestselling author of over 70 books. She is most well-known for her Wolf Masters series and her Fight Club series. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband, two grown kids, and the various pets that wander through. She is loving this journey and has dabbled in a variety of genres, including paranormal, sports romance, military, and BDSM. A total night owl, Becca writes late at night, sequestering herself in her office with a glass of red wine and a bar of dark chocolate, her fingers flying across the keyboard as her characters weave their own stories. During the day---which never starts before ten in the morning!---she can be found jogging, floating in the pool, or reading in her favorite hammock chair! ...where Alphas dominate...