A Long Shadow

by Barri Bryan

New Concepts Publishing

Sensual: Historical

April 16, 2004

ISBN-13: 1586084348

Available in: e-Book

A Long Shadow
by Barri Bryan

For most of her life Tyler Carson has been a square peg that does not fit into the round hole of a small town's 1955 society. She's thirty and still unmarried, she's had more than one love affair, she has a job that is traditionally man's work, but the crowning insult is she couldn't care less what people think. At least that's how the majority of Summerville's citizens perceive her.

Grant Madison, military man and son of the town's most revered citizen is home again after many years of serving in the army in Europe and Korea. So many challenges await him: The care and rearing of his ten-year-old niece, learning a new trade; adjusting once more to a way of life that seems, after all this time, alien and outmoded. But his biggest challenge is facing and working with the unorthodox and fiery tempered Tyler Carson, the woman he had loved and then left six years before.

Barri Bryan's Bio

Billie and Herb Houston have been writing as a team since 1990. Billie is a former teacher and educator. She holds an undergraduate degree in history and a graduate degree in educational psychology from The University Of Texas at San Antonio. Herb is a former teacher, computer programmer and technical writer for the Air Force. He holds a degree in education from Trinity College in Fort Worth, Texas.

Billie and Herb write the kind of books they enjoy reading -- stories about relationships; stories that explore feelings and probe emotions. The plots revolve around ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances and faced with difficult decisions.