Murder Plays House

A Mommy-Track Mystery

by Ayelet Waldman

Prime Crime

Mystery: Cozy

July 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0425198693

Available in: Paperback

Murder Plays House
by Ayelet Waldman

The Applebaums, with a new arrival on the way, must find a bigger house. But in the tough L.A. real estate market, you practically have to kill to find a house. So no wonder Juliet is prepared to overlook a corpse on the grounds of her dream house. To gain the owner's favor, Juliet promises him she'll find his sister's killer.

Ayelet Waldman's Bio

Ayelet Waldman is a Harvard Law School graduate and former public defender who is now a stay-at-home mom. She currently lives with her writer-husband Michael Chabon and their three children.