Lost in the Dark

Dark Sons MC Book 2

by Ann Jensen

Blushing Books

Contemporary Romance: Romantic Suspense, Sensual: BDSM

March 12, 2021

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size

Lost in the Dark
by Ann Jensen

One night of laughter and explosive passion with a stranger about to be deployed changed Nefertari’s life. Pregnant with no way to find him she was shunned by her family and had to struggle to create the best life she could for their beautiful daughter. Working as a Yoga instructor at a shady spa is both her salvation and downfall. After a chance conversation she discovers one of her students knows her mysterious man, Dragon, but she unknowingly discovers a drug ring being run by a street gang. A gang who needs her to remain silent.

Dragon often dreamed of the girl who got away, the girl who ruined him for other women with her body and her heart. When he finally finds her, he never expected she would be in mortal danger or discover he has a daughter. As a Brother in the Dark Sons MC he knows he and his Brothers can protect Tari and Lali, but winning Tari’s heart is a solo mission. The two of them must find love while staying alive and bringing down a criminal ring intent on killing her. Does their lightning hot attraction still exist? Can their love grow under fire and blossom into the family they both dream of?

This is book two in the Dark Sons Motorcycle Club series and can be enjoyed independently.

Publisher’s Note: This dark contemporary romance has elements of danger, mystery, suspense, adult themes, possible triggers for some readers, adult content, sensual scenes and power exchange. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.

Other Books by Ann Jensen

Ann Jensen's Bio

I'm a snarky Jersey Woman who dreamed of becoming an Author. An avid reader, engineer, photographer, and a proud Bi+ woman. What does that all mean? Not much except that my life is a journey that I hope never stops in one place too long. I fill it with love and laughter whenever possible and when I have to pull out my clue by four I use it with deadly precision. I write Romance with bigger than life characters who will overcome every obstacle I throw in their paths to find their HEA.