Mistletoe & Magic

by Amy Elizabeth Saunders, Lisa Cach, Lynsay Sands, Stobie Piel

Leisure Books

Paranormal Romance: Anthology

October 1, 2000

ISBN-13: 0843947780

Available in: Paperback

Mistletoe & Magic
by Amy Elizabeth Saunders, Lisa Cach, Lynsay Sands, Stobie Piel

A recipe for an unforgettable Christmas of love and laughter.

Serves: Everyone

Holly berries
1 pair enchanted spectacles
4 couples
8 lonely hearts
1 fairy godmother
1 miracle

Take four heroines, created by some of Romance's hottest authors. Mix them up with an equal number of heroes until warm and sweet. Press together and add laughter. Set in delicious historical settings, seal with a kiss, and leave overnight. By morning, couples will have formed into four delightful stories. Sprinkle liberally with...Mistletoe & Magic.

Other Books by Amy Elizabeth Saunders

Amy Elizabeth Saunders' Bio

Amy Elizabeth Saunders lives in the Seattle area with her husband, John, children, Kate and Connor, and an eighty- pound basset hound named Spike. A former romance reader, she has been writing for Leisure Books since 1992. She loves reading, her family, growing roses, and Mozart (not necessarily in that order).