Death On The Nile

by Agatha Christie

Berkley Pub Group

Mystery: Cozy

September 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0425200469

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

Death On The Nile
by Agatha Christie

Linnet Reidgeway has almost everything—youth, beauty, style, and wealth. What she doesn't have, she takes. For instance, her best friend Jackie de Bellefort's fiancĂ©. Unfortunately, forgiveness is not a jilted bride's privilege. And when the deliriously happy newlyweds embark on their honeymoon cruise along the Nile, nothing can keep Jackie from their shadows. And no one—not even detective Hercule Poirot—can prevent a crime of passion. But faced with the suspect's airtight alibi can he even prove who did it?

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