Dog In A Manger

by A. R. Grobbo



September 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 1553161424

Available in: e-Book

Dog In A Manger
by A. R. Grobbo

Goodwill toward men.... Gloria Trevisi, editor of the Plattsford Sun, is hard- working, competent.and about to get her rabies shots, a result of the discovery of a dead retired farmer and a live rabid dog while taking photos for what was supposed to be an uplifting holiday feature for the Sun's Christmas edition. Someone, indeed, is suffering from rage, not the rabid kind, as health officials and police puzzle over this unexpected outbreak of a deadly epidemic in Ramsbottom Township. Gloria wants no part of it, especially when she is expecting the return of her prodigal husband, violinist Tony Lambert, who has already sent her a Christmas present that is far too grand for her to reciprocate. As usual, she has her own problems, including some nasty telephone calls, unwanted visits from the past--her husband's old girlfriend, for one--and a future that holds a confrontation with her in-laws and several uncomfortable needles. As for the present, what should she buy Tony for Christmas? Will she survive the holidays? Judging by the tone of the most recent threatening phone calls, it seems unlikely....

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