Victoria Houston

Victoria Houston lives, writes and fishes in northern Wisconsin. Her Loon Lake Fishing Mystery series is set there, too, against a background of fishing -- fly fishing as well as bait fishing for musky, walleye, bass and bluegill.

Houston started fishing at age three but, at age eleven, gave up fishing for boys. Later in life, she reconsidered and gave up boys for fishing. While she couldn't wait to escape Wisconsin at age 18, she reconsidered that, too -- and returned thirty years later. For the last seven years, she has been dedicated to writing mysteries AND learning to fly fish!

These efforts follow on the heels of a career in public relations and book and newspaper publishing. Houston is also the author of six non-fiction books.

Her Loon Lake series features three main characters. Lewellyn Ferris is the local police chief who is also an ardent fly fisherman. With the help of retired dentist, Doc Osborne, she solves murders. Also helping out is Ray Pradt, a good-looking young fishing guide and champion loon caller who wears a stuffed trout on his head. So far the eccentric trio has managed to solve crimes without falling overboard.