Lila Johnson

Bonjour! Lila Johnson here! Although I was born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas, I consider the road, rails and waterways my real home. The thrill and adventure of travel, stateside and abroad is a natural for me.

The need to create stories started in my early childhood. After one of my first works were printed in a local newspaper, I was hooked. Since early 2000, my work has been viewed in numerous magazine and newspaper articles. My letters to the editor have appeared in O, The Oprah Magazine and Writers Digest. A collection of ACME and Retro 51 rollerball pens are always at the ready when an idea for a new story taps me on the shoulder and demands my attention.

I love books and keep one or two with me whenever I anticipate having to stand in long lines for anything. Photography is my second passion and I keep one or two cameras at the ready during my adventures.

I hope you enjoy, The Fat Girls Club, the first in a 4 book series. I look forward to creating and sharing more stories with my readers in the future. You can follow my adventures as I travel America at or find me on Twitter.