Kerrelyn Sparks

Kerrelyn Sparks won her first writing contest at the University of Houston in a language other than English. She taught high school French and History, then became a full-time Mom after the birth of her youngest child. When the joys of laundry began to ebb, she became obsessed with the idea of writing a book. "I knew it was a gamble," Kerrelyn reports. "But the only regret would be if I never tried."

Two and half years later, she had completed two historical romances, finaled in seventeen contests and sold her first book. "When I learned that I had sold, I was jumping up and down and shrieking. Meanwhile, my son sat quietly at the kitchen table waiting for me to calm down. Then he said, 'Does this mean you're not going to feed us?'"

Kerrelyn is a member of the West Houston and Northwest Houston Chapters of RWA. She's a long-distance member of Lake Country Romance Writers in central New York and Rose City Romance Writers of Portland, Oregon. Kerrelyn lives in Katy, Texas with her real-life hero of a husband and brilliant, well-fed children.

You may write to Kerrelyn at P.O. Box 5512, Katy, TX 77491- 5512 or email her at [email protected] . Please visit her brand new website at . There, you can read an excerpt from her upcoming vampire comedy thriller, HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE VAMPIRE.