Kaye Chambers


Kaye Chambers has led a wild life. With her college degree in hand, she set off on an adventure to find herself. She's soaked in the hot springs in Iceland in the middle of a blizzard, sat on a volcano to watch the magic of the Northern lights, stood on the coast in the eye of a hurricane, and been awed by ruins of pagan temples. Somewhere along the way, she found herself along with her wonderfully supportive husband. Marriage, children, and life went in a different direction and her personal goals went with off in another.

Finally, she decided it was time to return to those goals she'd left behind when she began her adventure all those years ago. Writing. With the new laptop her husband gave her for the effort, she hunkered down and found a writing group. This small group of women took her in hand, helped build her confidence, and encouraged her to do what her heart wanted her to. Finally, she started pounding out pages. When it was done, she had no idea what to do with it.

So, she started entering contests. Then she started revising...and entering more contests. Encouraged by the comments, she started submitting it out to publishers and agents while turning her hand to other projects.

Making friends along the way, she's beginning to see the results of her efforts. Come look into her Chamber of Secrets and share her vision of reality...