Gen Bailey

Gen Bailey's love of writing is combined only with her love of the American Indian culture and this is most evident in her writings by her depiction of the Indian way of life, incorporating little known facts with the overall picture of the way the Indian truly lived.

"Hollywood in the 50's and many cowboy/western novels of that time," says Gen, "did not paint a true picture of the American Indian. And anyone who will spend any time researching, will discover this for himself.

"The American Indian was a gentleman, in the true sense of the word. Roaming the prairies, he did not fight or kill the white man until so betrayed and driven by the incoming culture, the Indian had no choice but to turn and defend his homeland.

"My books center upon the American Indian culture as it was--a true picture--not colored with the sensationalism of death and destruction as was depicted by the newspapers and 'eyewitnesses' of the time, who often carried more political ambition, than truth.

"I do exhaustive research," says Gen Bailey. "Even to the extent of spending my honeymoon (I've just recently 'tied the knot') on the Blackfeet reservation in Montana.