Maree Anderson

My first idea for a book was inspired by the afterword in Stephen Donaldson's The Gap series. So, after a couple of weeks of tossing and turning and not sleeping because of the characters running round in my head and demanding I notice them, I finally gave in and put fingers to keyboard. And when I finally typed The End, I figured I'd achieved everything I'd set out to do. I'd written a novel and that was "the end". Boy, was I wrong.

"What? Are you just gonna put it in a drawer and forget about it now, huh?"

Good question.

"What makes you so afraid of taking the next step and seeing whether it's good enough to be published?"

Er.... Even better question!

So I did some research and discovered the annual RWNZ Clendon Award for full length romantic manuscript. If I entered, a bunch of Barbara's Books patrons who love romance would read my entire manuscript and give detailed feedback on a 3-page judging sheet. Sounded good to me! So in 2004 I joined Romance Writers of New Zealand and entered two manuscripts in the Clendon Award, and to my delight—and surprise—one entry finalled and the other was highly commended. I was hooked.

I write full-time and I gotta say, the best part about being a writer is I get to read for research! And believe me, I do a lot of research. I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi, fantasy and paranormal, and this love is reflected in my writing. My stories feature blind Seers with magical powers, warriors cursed and imprisoned in their namesake crystals, elementals who ride lightning, men who exude pheromones which make them irresistible to women, a teenage cyborg and even a sexy dragon demon. I'm para-normal, what can I say? ;-)

In 2006 I won the Clendon Award with the first of my Crystal Warrior series, and in 2008, the second of the series was also a finalist. My manuscripts have placed in a number of RWA chapter contests, including the Golden Gateway, The Sheila, Heart of the West and Great Expectations.

In 2008 I entered a novella in the Red Sage Alpha Male Novella contest, and was offered a publishing contract with Red Sage Publishing. That novella, Even Demons Get The Blues, is a June 2009 Red Sage Presents release.

I'd love to hear from you, so drop me a line, friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

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Books by Maree Anderson

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