Karen Kendall


Karen Kendall has written "books" since the age of four. They were bound with staples and published on the refrigerator door for a wide audience of relatives, friends and cats. These works of fiction featured rotten handwriting, little plot, and uninspired artwork, but nobody was cruel enough to point this out at the time. It was later in life that kindly people told Karen she would never make a living at writing, and advised her to do something more practical. Lightbulbs went off in her head, and she decided to major in Art History, with a concentration in 20thcentury art. The kindly people shook their heads and begged her to look up the word "practical" in the nearest dictionary. Karen worked for museums and galleries, but never could get the writing bug out of her head. She completed three manuscripts (real dogs that still howl under the bed on moonlit nights) but didn't sell until her fourth. The moral of the story? Dreams do come true. Pursue yours!

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Books by Karen Kendall

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The Story behind the Story

By Donnell Ann Bell Have you ever heard authors talk about a germ of an idea that led to their writing a novel? It’s crazy how one idea can take hold and a 90,000-word book can result. That’s what happened behind many of my books. Still, when it comes to my romantic suspense novel Buried… Read More

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