Elizabeth Kay


I wanted to be an author from the age of four, and spent my childhood writing about wild horses fighting to the death in the Australian outback, despite never having been there. I went to art school, like a lot of rebellious misfits, and studied fine art.

I then had two daughters, taught part-time, and started writing radio plays and short stories. A sudden urge to get back on the other side of the desk led to a creative writing MA at Bath Spa. I have won several prizes, including the Cardiff International Poetry Competition, and the Canongate Prize. I have also judged competitions myself. Although I have had children's stories serialised in Aquila magazine, The Divide was my first full-length work of fiction for children.

I try very hard to spend my time travelling to outlandish places, and watching wildlife, and I've illustrated natural history books.

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The Story behind the Story

By Donnell Ann Bell Have you ever heard authors talk about a germ of an idea that led to their writing a novel? It’s crazy how one idea can take hold and a 90,000-word book can result. That’s what happened behind many of my books. Still, when it comes to my romantic suspense novel Buried… Read More

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