Dixie Kane


FROM Dixie Kane's Bio page: I was born in Hamilton, Texas so many years ago . . . well, you don't need to know. I spent a couple of years in my home town, then moved. And moved. And moved. I lived in seven states: Texas, New York, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Louisiana. I went to thirteen grade schools and two high schools. All that moving around made me an expert at being the new kid. New kids either make friends fast, or they learn how to be their own best friend. I read a lot. I made up happy endings for books that ended tragically, and I added new chapters to books I never wanted to end. Since I liked to read so much, I should have been a librarian. Instead, I went to law school. I don't know what I was thinking of. I did manage to have fun, though. How could I not, when the very first time I went to court the judge mistook me for a prostitute? And he wasn't the only one. When I left the courtroom, a pimp tried to recruit me. Maybe I should have .... Never mind. I got over it. Being a lawyer, that is. I became a writer. Before Dreaming of You I wrote seven books under two other names--I have more aliases than some of my former clients. DOY is the first by Dixie Kane. My legal background should have prepared me to write legal thrillers or mysteries. I've drafted criminal laws, tried criminal cases, written appellate briefs and argued criminal appeals before two state supreme courts. I've roamed the cell blocks in Cook County Jail, and I have been inside every penitentiary in Illinois. But my muse refuses to come up with plots for legal thrillers. Gertrude--that's my muse's name--doesn't care for crime and punishment. Gerty has a wicked sense of humor, and she likes sex. So I am writing funny, sexy books. I hope you like them.

Sadly Linda West passed away on March 1st, 2004. She will be missed.

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