Deb Kastner

Publishers Weekly Bestselling, award-winning author of over 50 novels and 1.7 million books in print, Deb Kastner enjoys writing contemporary inspirational and sweet western stories set in small communities. Deb lives in beautiful Colorado with her husband, her puppers Gabby and Sadie, and two mischievous bonded brothers, black tuxedo cats Hype and Dab. She recently went through what she terms her midlife crisis and adopted her very first ever real live horse whose name, coincidentally, is Moscato, her favorite wine. She is blessed with three adult daughters and two grandchildren. Her favorite hobby is spoiling her grandchildren, but she also enjoys reading, watching movies, listening to music (The Texas Tenors are her fav), singing in the church choir and exploring the Rocky Mountains on horseback.

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Books by Deb Kastner

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The Story behind the Story

By Donnell Ann Bell Have you ever heard authors talk about a germ of an idea that led to their writing a novel? It’s crazy how one idea can take hold and a 90,000-word book can result. That’s what happened behind many of my books. Still, when it comes to my romantic suspense novel Buried… Read More

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