Carrie Alexander

Carrie Alexander was certain that once she became a Blaze author, a glamorous life of luxury and adventure would soon follow. Surely there would be fresh flowers delivered daily. Champagne on ice. Courtiers dancing attendance to her every whim. Jewels! Furs! Ball gowns! Hot- and cold- running footmen delivering love letters on silver trays. Urgent calls from handsome Romeos promising whirlwind getaways to luxury private resorts in the Caribbean. Intrigue, scandal, amour....

No such luck.

Reality is a desk piled so high with papers and books, Carrie can no longer see out the window. Correspondence does arrive daily--junk mail, bills, book galleys, contest entries, pizza parlor coupons. There are urgent phone calls- -from solicitors. And flowers? Only dead lilacs that need to be thrown out.

All the same, Carrie's not complaining. Real life has its rewards, like multiple book contracts and a treasured RITA nomination. Mainly, though, she simply enjoys writing books that bring fantasy to life, even if that means she's too busy getting her dreams down on paper to answer the doorbell.

Besides, she's sure that any worthwhile Romeos would head straight to the balcony.

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