C. C. Wiley


Growing up on a farm in the Midwest, I learned to escape the never-ending chores by storytelling. I'd slip off to the barn or the fields and settle into a book that would take me away. Before long, I started creating my own stories to keep myself entertained. Eventually, adult responsibilities took over and I put away my storytelling, but never my love for reading.

One year, during an exceptionally long Wisconsin winter, my fascination with historical romance blossomed from reading them to needing to write them. I just couldn't get the dream out of my head. I had to write. I began the arduous task of learning all I could about writing a story. Those lessons continue every day.

I believe there are wonderful courageous characters waiting for someone to tell their story. When I write, my goal is to capture a moment in time, where the threads of history, adventure, hope, passion and love, sweep the reader away.

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Books by C. C. Wiley

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What the World Needs Now…

Besides love? More book clubs! When I first came up with my idea for THE BEST LIFE BOOK CLUB, I thought I was being so original, so clever. A book about a book club – yes! And then, after I’d surfaced from my writing cave back into the sunlight, I blinked and saw… all kinds… Read More

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