Allie Kingsley

Allie Kingsley began her career in photography working with the boldest names in fashion and entertainment. She continues to write and produce in both industries. Her debut novel, 'The Liar, the Bitch and the Wardrobe’ is to be released in September 2012 by Penguin Publishing Group. She also enjoys writing columns for Hello Giggles and others. Allie lives in New York City and Los Angeles. Follow her on twitter or Facebook!

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Books by Allie Kingsley

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The Story behind the Story

By Donnell Ann Bell Have you ever heard authors talk about a germ of an idea that led to their writing a novel? It’s crazy how one idea can take hold and a 90,000-word book can result. That’s what happened behind many of my books. Still, when it comes to my romantic suspense novel Buried… Read More

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