The Contrary Contessa

by Susanne Marie Knight


Historical Romance: Regency

August 21, 2004

ISBN-13: 1587494418

Available in: Trade Size

The Contrary Contessa
by Susanne Marie Knight

Because of the Sicilian tradition of "Fortuna", Lexia Cappello believes she is destined to marry her stepbrother, the Marquess of Rutherford. Robert Weston, however, has a ready dislike of anything or anyone non-English. Can she convince this obstinate lord that his ignoble prejudice stands in the way of his future happiness?

At first Robert Weston is annoyed, then intrigued by his new-found Sicilian stepsister. The more he resists her, the more he yearns to posses her. Can he overcome his pride and admit the error of his ways and win the Contrary Contessa's heart?