Manhunting in Mississippi

by Stephanie Bond, Julie Kenner


Contemporary Romance

June 1, 2003

ISBN-13: 0373835531

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

Manhunting in Mississippi
by Stephanie Bond, Julie Kenner

Piper Shepherd was desperate. As the only single member of her sorority (even chubby hypochondriac Tillie had managed to snag a suitor!) she had to find a husband soon. That wasn't easy in Mudville, Mississippi, population twenty! But Piper had a plan. First she dug up her grandmother's manhunting manual...and then gorgeous Ian Bentley came to town.

Ian had no intention of saying "I do"—ever! As it was, he'd just narrowly escaped a brush with matrimony. So the last thing he expected was to fall victim to sexy Piper Shepherd's manhunting scheme. The sassy little brunette was tempting, he'd give her that. But she wasn't going to get this man to the altar...

BONUS: An original story by Julie Kenner.

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