Opposites Attract

by Shirley Hailstock

Self Published

Contemporary Romance

April 28, 2014


Available in: e-Book (reprint)

Opposites Attract
by Shirley Hailstock

Pairing Nefertiti Kincaid (called Never by everyone) with Averal Ballantine is like pouring gasoline on a raging fire. Fiercely loyal Information Technology Director, Never, is an explosion waiting to happen. Since her company merged with a larger pharmaceutical magnate, she’s watched her friends and colleagues lose their jobs. Now it’s her turn. Her department has come under the scrutiny of management consultant, Averal Ballantine.

Immediately attracted to the director, Averal finds it difficult to maintain a business relationship and even more difficult to keep his vow of steering clear of women who cherish hearth and home. Coming from a home that broke under the strain of his brother’s death from sickle cell anemia, Averal feels the trait he carries will prevent him from ever having a family of his own.

Yet the sizzle between them is apparent in the boardroom and the bedroom.

Originally published March 1999 by BET Books/Arabesque - this is a revised edition.

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Shirley Hailstock's Bio

Shirley Hailstock began her writing life as a lover of reading. She likes nothing better than to find a quiet corner where she can get lost in a book, explore new worlds and visit places she never expected to see. As an author, she can not only visit those places, but she can be the heroine of her own stories. The author of thirty novels and novellas, including her electronic editions, Shirley has received numerous awards, including the Waldenbooks Bestselling Romance Award and Romantic Times Magazine’s Career Achievement Award. Shirley’s books have appeared on Blackboard, Essence Magazine and Library Journal Best Seller Lists. She is a past president of Romance Writers of America.