Fangs for Freaks

A Half Blood Vampire Novel #2

by Serena Robar

Berkley Trade

Young Adult: Paranormal, Young Adult

July 6, 2010

ISBN-10: 0425237656

ISBN-13: 9780425237656

Available in: Trade Size (reprint)

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Fangs for Freaks
by Serena Robar

Half-blood vampire Colby Blanchard unites her Psi Phi sisters...

Running a sorority house for half-blood vampires is harder work than I thought. Being half-bloods is practically the only thing we have in common. We may not all get along but we do need to stick together. Leaked information on our whereabouts has brought us under attack. Either someone on the vampire council wants us dead or there’s a new threat in town. Could there be a spy among us, watching us day and night, just waiting to strike?

Serena Robar's Bio

I spent my school days addicted to reading romances of all kinds. I would tuck a Romance in my open science book and pretend to be following along with class when I was really lost in a fantasy world of happily ever after. Though my knowledge of mitochondria is woefully limited, I can boast a vast array of trivia about the pirate trade of the 16th century, American pioneer life and Regency etiquette of the Ton.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, I can be found writing the next book in my teen vampire series. It's my secret hope that my books will find there way inside science text books, sparking the imagination and talent of the next generation of writers. My apologies to teachers everywhere.