Walk In Moonlight

Book 1: Moonlight series

by Rosemary Laurey

Avid Press

Sensual: Paranormal, Paranormal Romance: Vampire

June 1, 2000

ISBN-13: 1929613539

Available in: Trade Size

Author Interview

Walk In Moonlight
by Rosemary Laurey

Vampires . . . blackmail . . . and murder in a peaceful English village . . . Dixie LePage didn't expect life in an English village to be exactly like South Carolina, but nothing prepared her for what she found in the quiet Surrey village of Bringham. She loved the house she inherited, and finding herself a rich woman was an unexpected bonus. She enjoyed making friends and meeting new and eccentric people--after all, what else would she expect by moving to England? As Dixie learned more about her family history, she was startled to hear her deceased great-aunts referred to as witches. Discovering the blackmail and murders horrified Dixie. The attempts on her life angered and terrified her. But it was falling in love with a 400-year-old Vampire--a not-so-dead Christopher Marlowe--that finally taught her the real meaning of culture shock.

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Rosemary Laurey's Bio

More years ago than she cares to remember, Rosemary Laurey left her native England to teach her way around the world. She didn't get very far. In Turkey she met the love of her life, a handsome US Air Force captain from South Carolina. Since then, she's raised three sons, taught regular and special education, worked as a tutor and educational assessor, moonlighted as a bookseller and somehow managed to get a master's degree in her spare time.

She now writes full time and shares an empty nest in German Village in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, George.

Visit her other websites:
Forever Vampires

Vampire Vixens

