One Bachelor to Go

by Nicole Burnham

Silhouette (Romance)

Contemporary Romance: Category Romance

February 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0373197063

Available in: Paperback

One Bachelor to Go
by Nicole Burnham

Emily Winters wants nothing to do with marriage. After her failed marriage to Todd Baxter, the wanna-be golden boy at her father's company, she's through with romance. Especially to anyone having anything to do with Wintersoft. Unfortunately, her father has other ideas, and she's been compelled to find girlfriends (or wives!) for the single executives at the company, since her father can't seem to get a clue. When there's only one bachelor left, Emily figures she's safe. After all, Jack Devon, who's been named one of Boston Magazine's 50 Hottest Bachelors, goes for a very different kind of woman. Until Jack and Emily are sent to Reno on a business trip, and discover that love is sometimes worth a gamble....

Nicole Burnham's Bio

Nicole Burnham is originally from Colorado. However, as the daughter of an Army dentist, she grew up traveling the world. She has skiied the Swiss Alps, snorkeled in the Grenadines, and successfully haggled her way through Cairo's Khan al Khalili marketplace. After obtaining both a law degree and a master's degree in political science, Nicole settled into what she thought would be a long, secure career as an attorney. That long, secure career only lasted a year--she soon found writing romance a more adventuresome career choice than writing stale legal briefs. Her first book, GOING TO THE CASTLE, was honored by the Reviewers' International Organization in both the Best Debut Book and Best Short Contemporary categories of the Dorothy Parker Awards. Her second book, THE PRINCE'S TUTOR, will be released by Silhouette Romance in January, 2003. When she's not writing, Nicole enjoys relaxing with her family, tending her rose garden, and traveling--the more exotic the locale, the better.