Over the Moon at the Big Lizard Diner

by Lisa Wingate

New American Library

Contemporary Romance

November 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0451216644

Available in: Trade Size

Over the Moon at the Big Lizard Diner
by Lisa Wingate

Big Lizard Bottoms—where getting hitched is a local industry—is not any place Lindsey Attwood, a play-it-safe paleontologist who's sworn off romance, ever expected to find herself. She's here posing as a horse psychology student to help recover dinosaur tracks stolen from a local guest ranch. After only a day at the ranch, things start spiraling out of control. Her horse-therapy horse hates her, she's been adopted by a huge stray dog with a bad reputation, and there's this local rancher who has her all moonstruck. After years of digging around in the past, Lindsey's wondering if it's finally time to see what the present has to offer.

Lisa Wingate's Bio

Lisa Wingate is a popular writer and inspirational speaker in central Texas, where she lives with her husband and two sons. She was raised in Oklahoma and studied writing at Oklahoma State University. Tending Roses, her first mainstream novel, is a particularly special debut, as the grandmother stories in the book are based on the recollections of her own grandmother.