A Scandal to Remember

by Linda Needham


Historical Romance: Victorian, Historical Romance

September 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0060514124

Available in: Paperback

A Scandal to Remember
by Linda Needham

Linda Needham's Bio

Linda Needham suffered from the same syndrome that plagues most novelists in their formative years: Closet Composition, with poems and 'what ifs' and the occasional classroom writing exercise that got out of hand. Thirty- nine years later, she credits her bachelor's degree in Theatre Arts, support from her fellow writers, and her hero-husband with her publishing achievements. Winning the Romance Writers of America's 1995 Golden Heart, Long Historical as an unpublished author, and selling to Avon Books six weeks later are among the highlights of her Fabulous Forties. Six books, two stageplays, and the USAToday Bestseller List later, Linda has entered her Fantastic Fifties with brazenness, exaltation, and an RWA Top Ten Favorite Book of the Year award!